Some of the key issues with which aim regularly provide specialist assistance are as follows:
Strategic business planning and developing competitive advantage - assisting the board to identify key issues that determine the future success of their businesses
Business performance improvement and restructuring - companies often require to rapidly reposition themselves and with our expertise and experience in this area we are well placed to advise on cost reduction techniques, cash controls to reduce gearing, asset restructuring, refinancing, selling etc. Helping companies become investment ready. That is pulling the whole organisation together with appropriate products and plans that will pass the investor test.
Managing the internal and external supply chain to gain competitive advantage. Supply chains compete with supply chains. aim will help successful companies understand this and take appropriate steps to ensure that their supply chain differentiates itself positively from the competition.
Business Executive Coaching - Senior executives are required to do more than pay lip service to corporate objectives, cultures and processes. So they need to do things differently. This often means changing the habits of a life time. aim can help.
Get control of your business through Key Performance Measurement - Traditional financial measures look backwards. Effective use of KPIs in a balanced structure allows key drivers of future performance improvements to be measured at every level of the business. On the basis of what you measure is what you get, aim provides an Excellence Score Card to drive this process.
Sales force management for the Managing Director - Busy MDs don't have time for all the day to day routines of running the sales force effectively. aim has developed a Key Account Management tool for use by MDs to help them develop focus within the sales force with just the right amount of paperwork.
Grant funding - businesses need additional funding for a wide variety of purposes. aim has accessed funding of over £7 million for a range of projects .
Business planning - start up businesses need marketing strategies and business plans to confirm the viability of their projects and access funding; trading businesses also need plans for other purposes. aim has a first class record, as small business consultants, of helping clients write successful business plans which have achieved their objectives.
Improving the marketing focus - by using the 7 P's and 3 R's clients have been encouraged to sort out the priorities in their marketing strategy, retain long term customers and identify the differences between their features and benefits. aim has helped clients refocus their marketing efforts successfully through the identification of the key customer satisfiers and hygiene factors.
Lean manufacturing techniques - aim has an excellent track record of helping companies develop significant improvements in efficiency, cycle times, stock turns and lead times leading to reductions in waste, cost, increases in sales and market share and improved customer satisfaction through the introduction of continuous improvement techniques.
Earnings growth through customer and employee satisfaction - key studies have identified these issues as vital to the future performance of any business. aim has worked with a number of organisations to assist them understand these issues in order to reduce staff turnover and generate an increase in the number of referrals.
Understanding the role of the Managing Director with regard to task, team and the individual - the MD has a pivotal role within any business; MD clients are encouraged to consider their role in their business and the way that they are performing the task.
Setting objectives - MBO is still recognised as an important tool to drive performance improvement. SMART objectives are often used as well. aim helps the organisation to understand the importance of setting objectives, improve communication and control the process through selective use of appraisals.
Supply chain management - The ultimate goal of any supply chain exercise is to gain competitive advantage. aim has helped a number of organisations to refocus strategic priorities as a result of improved understanding of customer needs.