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The White House,
Low Street, Beckingham,
Doncaster, South Yorkshire,
DN10 4PS, UK

Tel: +44 1427 848298

Mobile: +44 7836 379815


Business Development - Provided by Business Experts

Business Development and Start Up

A programme of support aimed at start up organisations, businesses less than 2 years old and entrepreneurs with great ideas.

As small business consultants, aim offer a complete service to assist organisations pass through the complex series of stages required either through in house enabling or through introductions to specialist firms known to aim through our extensive network of contacts. At the end of the process the client can expect to be investment ready and trading.

Access to support grants can also be provided during the start up process.

Services provided often include coaching, mentoring, business planning, funding support and strategic marketing guidance.

Prestart advice - review of the business model allowing a 3rd party view of the project to test the assumptions and confirm the idea.
Technical risk assessment - with the relentless advance of technology, it is vital to confirm the technical feasibility of the product idea, the costs and risks associated with manufacture and the competitive advantage that can be derived.
Market needs assessment - is there a clear need for the product and how may it be accessed. Who will be the likely customers?                                      - Toolkit page -
Commercial risk assessment - can sufficient sales be generated at an appropriate margin to earn a return and pay back the investment?                         - Toolkit page -
Strategic, business & financial planning - to challenge and confirm the financial viability, business model & funding required; identify the route to market and operational requirements. Consider and reduce risks.      - Strategic planning page -
Access to finance and grants- from the business planning process a clear funding requirement will emerge together with the most likely source of these funds.
                                                                                                              - Funding page -
Team building, HR & leadership skills - a skills audit of the management team will reveal gaps which need to be filled by training, recruitment or team building.
                                                                                                         - Mentoring page -
Manufacturing - how will the product be manufactured, in what volumes and where.
                                                                                                 - Manufacturing page -
Other issues such as legal, patent, networking - need to be considered in the start up process.

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